

Tips to get the most out of the bulb-in-pot:


zon Place the pot in a light place, preferably by the window.

water Water approximately twice a week, so that the soil remains moist. The hyacinth shouldn't get too much water; otherwise it will grow too long. As soon as the flower starts coloring, then the bulb can use more water, otherwise the flower won't last so long. The daffodil prefers a bit too much water rather than too little.
temperatuur Room temperature is perfect. The warmer it is the quicker the plant grows and blooms.




Put the pots in a light place. Bright sun is no problem.

water Take care to keep the ground moist.
temperatuur The bulb-in-pot can handle a temperature between -2 en 22 degrees Celsius.  The warmer it is the quicker the plant grows and blooms. An occasional night frost of -5 degrees Celsius shouldn’t cause a problem.